
The Judiciary and Administration Committee just voted on Tuesday, August 30, 2022, to recommend to the city council to strengthen the Ban on Conversion Therapy by weakening it (3 - 1).

The recommendation is to have only medical/professionals be banned from their free speech & religious liberties rights.  If you can't include one or more segments of society in the Ordinance, how can you include any?

If the Council agrees with this amended version and adopts the Ordinance with this amendment, it will target fewer people.  However, it will still affect pastors and counselors who have degrees in physical, medical or mental health.

The Council could amend the Ordinance with this amendment and vote to not adopt the Ordinance with this amendment at all (which is what they should do, or they will be sued),

OR, they could reject this committee's recommendation and pass the original Ordinance (and be sued).

The bottom line is the city will be sued if the Ordinance is adopted in its original form or amended form.



Now is the time to personally call your council member and ask them if they:

  1. intend to show up for the meeting (This allows the public to see where they stand on the issue and also impacts the success or failure of the motions made. Council members do have the option of voting via zoom too. )
  2. Ask them how they intend to vote and why. Express how we do not want to pay for a lawsuit.

You can call the city clerk's office at 608-789-7510 to confirm the name of the council member for the district you live in, and acquire their phone number. If you live outside the city, you can still email the council members at There is no public comment at the full city council meeting on September 8, which is why it is important to personally call your council members to let them know how you feel and to find out where they stand.

Also, please try to attend to show your continued opposition to this ban on conversion therapy. The meeting will be held at 6:00 pm in the Council Chambers in City Hall in La Crosse on Thursday, September 8, 2022.

Our Coalition is working on keeping our website and Facebook page up-to-date. If you know of anyone else who would like to receive email updates, please have them email us at or use the email subscription tool at the bottom of this page.

Blessings and Thank you.

* You can find the amended ordinance and WILL's second supplemental letter for easy viewing.



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