Come to the August 30 J&A Committee meeting and tell the Council Members to:


See the video below describing the meeting and additional details can be found at: 

Show up NO LATER THAN 5:30pm so you will have time to register your opinions. When you register you will indicate that you are opposed to the ordinance and check the box to indicate if you wish to speak. You can also indicate you are opposed to the ordinance and not wishing to speak.  Also, anyone not a resident of the City of La Crosse, can still participate arguing that you are concerned that this unconstitutional edict is spreading and you don't want it coming to your town.  You want it stopped now.

Those who wish to speak their minds will be allowed 3-minutes so we highly recommend that you come prepared and stay within that time frame.

The meeting packet contains all the information that will be addressed during the meeting and it can be downloaded at: 

You can also view the meeting remotely at:

You can also submit your opinions to the City Clerk at or call call 608-789-7510

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