Do you need to be reminded why this country is worth fighting for?

As we prepare for the election season of 2024, come take an evening to be encouraged by a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy who served our country as pilot and instructor pilot in the F-15 Eagle. Although Michael Byron has distinguished himself as a fighter pilot, it is his avid interest in American history and fascination with American exceptionalism that brings him to speak in Onalaska on Saturday, September 16.

For the past 50 years, Byron has been collecting stories… and sharing them with others, about what makes America so different from any other country. His strong convictions on this truth led his fellow service members to ask him to craft a speech for their 45th class reunion and then again for the incoming freshman class of 2026 at the United States Air Force Academy.

Young and old alike need to hear the facts, that contrary to what you hear on the nightly news or from teachers in American public school rooms, America is truly a remarkable and exceptional nation, unlike any that has gone before.

Why is America so exceptional?

To find out why, join like-minded neighbors on Saturday, September 16 at the La Crosse County Republican Party's Lincoln Day Dinner. You will hear what our service members heard at the United States Air Force Academy and be inspired by Byron's observations for what makes America so exceptional. Congressman Derrick Van Orden will also speak.

Tickets for this fundraiser can be purchased at The dinner is located at Cedar Creek in Onalaska, 2600 Cedar Creek Lane. Social hour is 5:00-6:30, with a cash bar, silent auction and wine raffle. A Prime rib dinner will be served with cheesecake for dessert.

I hope you can come and take this opportunity to relax with friends and enjoy listening to the truth about America. Feel free to pass this invitation on to your friends as well. Tickets must be purchased on or before Friday, September 8, 2023.

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