This Tuesday, August 15, 2023, you are invited to attend a peaceful, informational, vaccine protest of a scheduled "Back to School" vaccine clinic that is being put on by the Gundersen Health System. The protest is organized by "Betty Jane" at the intersection of 3111 Gundersen Dr., Onalaska, WI from 4:00-6:30. Gundersen plans to have their vaccine clinic from 4:15-6:30. See Betty's Facebook page for additional information.


It's been three years since the covid vaccine was introduced to the American Public. Operation Warp Speed rushed and rolled it out so quickly, promising that it would prevent transmission and save lives.

But Pfizer's own research and the research of others has shown that the risks of an experimental vaccine may not be worth the benefits, especially for children. Research has shown that children are half as likely as adults to contract the disease and are much less likely to spread it. See these studies:


Studies have shown that when it comes to children, their natural immunity to other viruses helps them resist COVID. Studies have also shown that the vaccine does not actually prevent transmission and that depending on the strain, its effectiveness wanes significantly after only a few months of an injection, which then compels the person to take another vaccine to address the new strain. But with each new injection, the risks of an adverse event increases, which is why based on current data, the risks for children outweigh the benefits.

Many parents also do not know that Wisconsin allows three exemptions to any vaccine that is supposedly "required" for school. You can opt out of any vaccine on the basis of personal, religious or medical reasons. Those forms are made available for a parent upon request.

Here are facts to consider before letting the COVID Vaccine go unchallenged.

1.) The COVID vaccine is toxic to a women's reproductive system including their babies:
In Moderna's MRNA Covid -19 sample trials on female rats, the vaccine was shown to damage their reproductive systems and their estrous cycles. An analysis of this was published on August 11, 2023, at the website called "The Daily Clout" at
2.)Pfizer recorded 5 million harmful clinical outcomes from its own studies.
According to its own studies, Pfizer injected 1.5 million people with mRNA Nanoparticles and recorded the outcomes which increased the risk of diseases, disorders, disabilities and death. This report includes death to infants and children. You can view the analysis of Pfizer's 393 page report at the Kingston Report website here:
3.) Male Children ages 12-17 are at the highest risk for myocarditus (inflammation of the heart) according to Pfizer's own website. Also, children seem to be more susceptible to other side effects. This information can be found at: Read down a few paragraphs to find this information. Also, there seems to be varying reports on the permanent effects of myocarditus, where 20 to 30 percent eventually have heart failure and die from it.
4.) According to VAERS, 56 children died from taking the Pfizer, Moderna and Janssen vaccines. VAERS stands for Vaccine Adverse Reporting System which was put in place by the government in 1986 for medical institutions to report adverse events from vaccines. There is a large underreporting for the site due to many medical professionals not knowing about it nor being able to take the time to fill in the comprehensive information required. Therefore, actual numbers of adverse events are probably much higher.

However, should any perfectly healthy child have to die from taking a vaccine? or contract myocarditus? This chart (when expanded) also shows that that almost a third of children will react with chills, and 17% with dizziness after taking the vaccine. You can find the article and chart at:

In this article it states, "To date, little research has been conducted on the safety of these vaccines in the paediatric population, highlighting the need for further investigation."

What that means, is that these vaccines are experimental, and your child is part of the research.

We are asking for your support to question this vaccine and protest it as "safe and effective" for children based on Pfizer's own studies and website. You can help by forwarding this email to everyone and by joining in at the protest tomorrow.

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