Impartiality should be a hallmark... and a prerequisite for sitting on the bench of the Wisconsin Supreme Court. More importantly is having justices who will adhere to our US and Wisconsin State constitutions and who will follow the law as written.

Do these sentiments sound impartial to you?

"I could not sit back and watch extreme, right wing partisans hijack our Supreme Court!"

"Let's be clear here. The maps are rigged. Bottom line, the maps are absolutely, positively rigged!"  (Referring to the WI congressional, district maps approved by the US Supreme Court)

And a second later, "I can't ever tell you what I'll do on a particular case, but I can tell you my values, and my common sense says that it's wrong.” (Regarding maps)

"The overturn of Roe vs Wade was the epitome of judicial activism....we need to bring common sense back to the court and uphold the will of the people...that was the most critically poor values are that women should make their own reproductive, right decisions themselves."

And on the same issue, "I can't tell you where I'll end up on any issue (in court).

"Regarding her current position of judge, "I side with the person or party who I think is most appropriate. Sometimes I do what the state wants, sometimes what the defense wants, but you never know. I follow the law and I uphold the constitution."

The above statements were all made by Janet Protasiewicz during the forum of January 9, 2023. We don't need to say much more when Janet has said it so well herself.

View here:

According to her first statement, some on the current Supreme Court and conservative candidate, Dan Kelly, are extreme, right wing activists. This means she is calling everyone who supports them by the same inflammatory names.

How can this be impartial?

Consider the contrasting comments of Justice Dan Kelly:
"I start with the premises-- the law that applies to the case. And I exercise rigorous logic to move from those premises all the way down to the conclusion. And when you"re done, you should be able to look back and see an unbroken chain of logic connecting the premises to the conclusion. And if you see an unbroken chain, then that is your guarantee that your conclusion is commanded by the law rather than the individual, personal preferences or personal politics.

Every opinion is based 100 percent on what the law is and not what it ought to be. So, the people of Wisconsin can be confident that the opinion is based solely on the law."

"My commitment every single time was to apply the law as it exists because my confidence comes from the people of Wisconsin that if they are so opposed to a particular standard...they will move heaven and earth to make sure it changes."

Daniel Kelly said, "(Alexander Hamilton said) the judicial branch is the least dangerous branch, but only so far as it does its job and only its job. If it should ever combine itself with the powers of the legislature...that would then become the very definition of tyranny.”

“What I've heard a fair amount this afternoon is my opponents talking about their values and what they think the law ought to do. That is the step toward the combination of the power of the judiciary and the legislature. That is a step we cannot take."

"When someone tells you their values; they tell you how they will decide a case," said Daniel Kelly.

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