The La Crosse County board will be voting this Thursday, January 19, 2023 on whether to put the abortion question on the ballot as an advisory referendum. They want to ask this question, “Should the Wisconsin legislature repeal the state's 1849 abortion ban that provides no exception in cases of rape or incest nor to protect the health of the mother?" The last time they tried to put this on the November ballot, almost a hundred of you emailed your county supervisors, and they voted to keep it off the ballot.

We need you to email in again to your supervisors and say it’s a waste of $5,000! Also, share this with your friends. These decisions are not made by the county board, but by our state legislature. Such information is already discovered by other institutions through surveys, so this only results in politicizing our local, non-partisan races. Also of note, the last time this was brought up by Board Chair, Monica Kruse, she was  chastised by the board for trying to put something on the ballot that was clearly partisan and divisive.

When you use the following email address, all supervisors will receive your email of concern: You can also call your supervisor as well. To find the number for your district, you can visit the website

You can find out more information about local issues concerning your rights at or by visiting our Facebook page at Save Your Rights Coalition.

Also, if you would like to share with us information concerning local issues regarding your rights that the public needs to be made aware of, you can email us at

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