The La Crosse City Council (Districts 1-6, Northside and the northern sections of the Southside) are up for the spring elections. The Save Your Rights Coalition is in search of candidates who will uphold their Oath of Office by supporting and defending the Constitution, supporting community schools and businesses, and opposing policies or ordinances that violate your RIGHTS.

Are you... or someone you know interested in running for one of these positions?

You can make a big difference now in the quality and protection of life and freedom here in La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA. Please consider serving and joining the fight. You will have a lot of support from many people like you!

Nomination Papers can be taken out on December 1st through January 2, 2023. Our team can put you in touch with campaign experts for guidance on running your campaign or teaching you how to help others run theirs.

Please contact us if you or someone you know would like to be involved in this way. Use the Facebook and email links to the left.

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