Please consider attending the La crosse City Council Judiciary and Administration (J&A) committee meeting this Tuesday, August 30, 2022, at 6 pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall to speak or to show your opposition to the city's ordinance to ban conversion therapy. This is the next opportunity for the Council to hear your input.


As you may have heard, the Wisconsin Institute for Law and Liberty (WILL) submitted a ten page letter to the Council on August 22, 2022, warning it that they would sue the city if the ordinance was passed in its current or substantial equivalent form.


The city will be considering a revised ordinance at this J&A meeting that still violates the 1st Amendment. 


We would like to encourage you to attend this meeting. Arrive early so that you can 1) fill out a form that indicates that you are opposed to the ordinance and wish to speak, or 2) oppose the ordinance and wish to not speak. 


Each side has 15 minutes to speak, with each person having up to 3 minutes to talk. If there are a lot of people signed up to speak, the J&A Committee has the option to extend the public comment time. If you cannot attend, consider emailing city council members at and reference section 32-191 or file number 22-0636. You can title your email "Opposed to Ban on Conversion Therapy".


The J&A Committee will make a recommendation to the full city council, and the next step will be for consideration at the full city council on Thursday, September 8, 2022, at 6 pm.


The Save Your Rights Coalition asked WILL to become involved. We highly encourage you to read their letter which can found HERE.


You can also read the city's revised ordinance HERE, and can read about how else the Coalition has been involved to stop this ordinance.

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